Amidst several doubts and apprehensions lingering over state government’s proposed Land Pooling System (LPS) for its new capital, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu decided to clarify them directly to the farmers in contention. Chandrababu Naidu is going to interact with the farmers of Guntur district through teleconference on Tuesday evening.
Farmers of Guntur are stating that they’re ready to give in their lands if Naidu clears all their doubts and give them assurance on various issues, speculations. Meanwhile farmers opined that they need clarity on “land sharing” and “percentage of land to be returned” after developing them. “Especially we need clarity on the exact figure of the land that will be returned to us.
Is it 40% or 50% or 60%?,” asked a farmer. While building its capital Naya Raipur, Chattisgarh government had reportedly given 40% of developed lands to farmers under the land pooling and government bore the total cost of development. Chandrababu is also of the opinion to follow the same rule for the new capital of AP.