The TDP MP’s have all pinned hopes of getting into the Central Cabinet and so are eagerly waiting for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call. The PM of India has decided to expand the cabinet because many important portfolios are being dealt by two or three ministers only. So, the though to expansion sprung up and so TDP is waiting to get atleast one or two.
But in the race there seems to be three and is making its own plans to get a ministry. The TDP has got an alliance with BJP and NDA at the centre and it is being the ruling party in AP may get some favour. However, Babu in Delhi tour has planned to meet Modi on Thursday so as to discuss about the issue and make himself confirm of atleast one ministry in his favour.
As we all know only Ashok Gajapathi Raju is head of Union Civil Aviation Ministry. However, the race is surely between three biggies is the buzz. They are Nalla Mallareddy, Sujana Chowdhary and CM Ramesh. So, who do you think can fall in eyes of Modi? Who among them will be the lucky one? Any guesses? let us know!