AP CM Chandrababu Naidu has issued a ‘sweet warning’ to alliance partner BJP over its promises to the truncated state of Andhra Pradesh. Speaking over Polavaram National Irrigation Project that is promised by the Centre to construct it fully for the debt-laden state, Chandrababu said in Assembly, “The Centre has not kept its promises as per the AP Reorganisation Act 2014. I’m a positive person who see things hopefully, hence, I’m waiting for them to keep their promises. Since BJP is our alliance partner, I’m acting with patience. If the Centre asks to stop the tenders of Polavaram Irrigation Project, we’ll stop it immediately.”
Chandrababu said that the state is working hard despite its financial woes.
Meanwhile, analysts opine that AP has given a raw deal during the bifurcation of the state that carved out Telangana with Hyderabad as capital. On the other hand, AP is struggling to build a world-class capital Amaravati from the scratch.
Naidu’s fresh statements are expected to irk BJP and may put them in trouble both morally and politically. Already, there is a wide perception in people of Ap that BJP is hardly bothered about the progress of AP.