BJP Rajya Sabha MP GVL Narasimha Rao has come up with a strange proposal to change the name of Polavaram project. GVL suggested that Polavaram should be renamed as Pradanamatri Polavaram project as the union government is baring the entire cost of the project but it is not getting the due credit.
On Tuesday, the Rajya Sabha debated about the national irrigation projects across the country and GVL got an opportunity to talk about Polavaram. Indirectly targeting the YSRCP government, GVL stated that because of the state government’s attitude, there is a delay in releasing funds for the construction of the project.
‘So far the union government has handed over Rs 6,764 crore to the state government for its construction. Recently the ministry of Finance has cleared another Rs 1850 crore for Polavaram. But regarding the accounts, the state government failed to provide the budget details that were done before 2014. I urge this house and government to look into this angle and find a solution immediately. This will make the centre to release more funds for the project and the construction also gets speed up,’ said GVL.
Well, the BJP leader has seriously raked up a new debate here and not sure whether rest of his party members will back it. The main political parties in AP, may not take GVL’s comments so seriously on Polavaram. So there is no need to panic.