IIFA Utsavam two days celebrations was a glamorous and glittery event with most of the actors across Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam industries attending it. Organizers of IIFA have spent money like water and gave a collected amount of Rs 1 crore to Chennai relief fund.
They paid fancy prices for actors to perform on the stage. However, Mega Power Star Ram Charan and young chap Akkineni Akhil’s individual performances on the stage was major highlight of the ceremony. As per a buzz, Ram Charan charged whopping Rs 1 crore for his 7 minute performance.
For his debut show on stage, Charan rehearsed for four days along with his co-performer Tamanna Bhatia and other dancers. Charan danced on songs of his own films.
Everyone who watched the show has lauded Charan’s energetic performance. The buzz adds that, Akhil Akkineni who recently made his heroic debut with Akhil has pocketed a pay of Rs 40 lakhs for his short dance feat.