If the latest buzz is to be believed, Ram Charan is preferring director Trivikram Srinivas over to Sukumar. Charan, who is presently working with Surender Reddy for Dhruva (Thani Oruvan remake), had initially planned to film with Sukumar after his present film. Soon after Nannaku Prematho, Charan has given his nod for his proposed film with Sukumar under Mythri Movies.
However, the success of A..Aa seems to have changed Charan’s mind. Charan is now mulling over to work with Trivikram first and Sukumar later.Trivikram too is ready to direct Charan and the film would be bankrolled by Dil Raju. Not long ago, even Dil Raju announced that he is teaming up with Trivikram. So once Dhruva is done, Charan would be seen joining forces with the Wizard of the words.
Since Charan-Trivikram combo is first of its kind, expectations on this film have already started. Looks like, Dil Raju is making right moves.