We have heard a lot about Mega family objecting to the filmy debut of Nagababu’s daughter, Niharika Konidela. We do not know how far it is true but Ram Charan and Varun Tej will be attending the audio launch of the film, Oka Manasu and bless their loving sister. The event will take place on 18th of this month in Shilpa Kala Vedhika.
The makers are looking at June release for the film with out getting trampled by biggies. A clarity over the release date may be arrived at the audio function. As of now, Nithin and Trivikram’s A..Aa and Superstar Rajinikanth’s Kabali are looking at possible June first and second week release.
Directed by Ramaraju of ‘Mallela Therram lo Sirimalli Puvvu’ fame, Oka Manasu is a joint production of Madhura Sreedhar and TV9. Niharika is already popular with Telugu people after she hosted couple of TV shows. She is hoping to make it big in films as well with this movie touted to be a romantic entertainer.