Mega Power Star Ram Charan is getting ripped apart for his Bollywood debut. While Bollywood critics are blasting him for his performance and looks with some even going to the extent of making personal attack on his looks, Tollywood analysts are questioning Ram Charan’s decision to make Bollywood entry that too with remake of Big B Amitabh Bachchan starrer Zanjeer.
Many in filmnagar feels that Cherry lacked the commonsense while making a decision on selecting a script and also on his Bollywood debut with remake. They are of the opinion that while Mahesh quickly refused to star in remakes even if it happens to be his dad Super Star Krishna’s Alluri Seetarama Raju commenting that he doesn’t want to spoil the original, Ram Charan even after Zanjeer debacle expressed his desire to star in the remake of Gang Leader.
When Cherry revealed his intention to star in Zanjeer remake, many felt that it would be an uphill task for him to fill Amitabh Bachchan role. But fans had mega dreams and all those are dashed.