Former Finance Minister Chidambaram is considered close to Congress President Sonia Gandhi. He has been the most vocal supporter of Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi and her other family members. However in a interview to top channel, Chidambaram made some controversial remarks against the leadership of Rahul Gandhi.
It is known that Rahul Gandhi’s leadership has been in question and many for quite sometime have been questioning him following continuous poll debacles. Chidambaram said Sonia Gandhi is the most acceptable leader today and about Rahul Gandhi he said younger members accept him as their leader.
However throwing question marks on Rahul’s leadership he said India is a large country with 26 states and there ie every possibility that other leaders could emerge. He said with the party facing consequent defeats there is urgent need to overhaul the party immediately. He said party leadership should pay attention to it on emergency basis. He said moral of the party took a beating following speculation that a leader’s name is in black money list.