New Delhi: As the Enforcement Directorate (ED) issued a lookout circular for former Union Minister P. Chidambaram in the INX Media case after he apparently went missing, Twittrati on Wednesday went berserk over the development, creating funny hashtags like #ChiddiBhagModiAaya and ##BhagodaChiddu.
Shocked at his disappearance after the Delhi High Court defined him as the “key conspirator” in the INX media case, Tweeple began posting all kinds of memes, images, GIFs and posts on Chidambaram.
“Chandrayaan enters Moon’s orbit and Chidambaram disappeared from Earth’s orbit,” posted one user.
“Sorry sir in Tihar no Zomato service,” another user tweeted after posting Chidambaram’s earlier tweet where he had said: “I have not ordered food so far. But I think I will do so now from Zomato”.
A Supreme Court bench headed by Justice N.V. Ramana on Wednesday refused to grant interim relief from arrest to Chidambaram and referred his matter to Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi for urgent hearing on his anticipatory bail plea. However, Gogoi refused to hear the case on the day.
“Next upcoming movie: Bhaag Chiddu Bhaag,” posted one user.
“Even #PChidambaram was running so fast that mistakenly he beat Usain Bolt,” said one Twitter user.
“2010: When #PChidambaram was Home Minister and Amit Shah was jailed. 2019: When Amit Shah is Home Minister and #PChidambaram will be jailed,” another user tweeted.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the ED are probing how his son Karti Chidambaram managed to get clearance from the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) in 2007 when his father was the Finance Minister.
“I am liking it to core…. Apana Time Aaaaa gaya,” said one user.
“C for Congress, C for Chidambaram and C for Corruption…. what a Coincidence…,” posted another.