Beautiful actress Pragya Jaiswal made an impressive debut with Kanche and her performance along with the screen presence brought her wide reception. However she changed her game plan and stepped out with a glamorous look in Krishna Vamsi’s Nakshatram. The movie ended up as a debacle and Pragya’s glamorous acts fetched no good results for the film. Now the actress once again is testing her luck with Jaya Janaki Nayaka which has been helmed by Boyapati Sreenu.
The makers released a video song ‘Chill Boss’ which showcases Pragya Jaiswal in an ultra-hot look. Her short skirts and sultry dance moves are sure show stealers but those alone cannot make any difference for the film. However Pragya has been testing her fate once again which will be decided on August 11th. Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas and Rakul Preet Singh played the lead roles while Pragya Jaiswal, Sarath Kumar, Jagapathi Babu played other important roles.
Pragya Jaiswal pinned many hopes on the movie and is in plans to sign many big films in the coming days. We have to wait and see how great the audience accepts her glamorous avatar.