Various celebs have rushed to get a final glimpse of ‘late’ Dasari Narayana Rao who breathed his last other day evening. But the likes of Megastar Chiranjeevi and Nandamuri Balakrishna are missing from the spot. These big stars are considered to be the stalwarts who should be present at the farewell spot, but their family members have filled the gap.
Unfortunately, Nandamuri Balakrishna is shooting in Portugal at the time of Dasari’s death. He’s shooting for his upcoming 101st film under Puri Jagan’s direction. From there, he has a flight to catch to China. And Megastar Chiranjeevi is already en route China to join the Reunion part of 80s stars, which is being held every year by actress Suhasini. As he’s stuck in transit right now, he’s unable to travel back in time. That’s how both Chiranjeevi and Balayya missed paying a final visit to Dasari’s mortal remains.
At the same time, the likes of Ram Charan and Prabhas also shared their condolence message through social media but missed out visiting in person. In fact, Charan is on a holiday at a distant place near London, UK and takes minimum two days to return. Same is the case with Prabhas who’s taking a break in the USA after 5 years of hectic Baahubali schedules.
Well, as there is a chance of people misunderstanding about the absence of these stars at Dasari’s funeral, the stars have given complete clarity about their inability to reach the final procession.