Megastar Chiranjeevi has always been saying that freedom fighter Uyyalawada Narashimareddy’s biopic has been his dream for the last 20 years. In the latest interview, Chiru revealed that he got very excited when Paruchuri Brothers had narrated him the biopic’s story 12 years ago. Chiru says he has mixed feelings of excitement, confidence and tension, as Sye Raa Narasimhareddy is gearing up to open in cinemas worldwide in 3 days.
On the other hand, for the last couple of months, Chiru and Charan have been mired in an unexpected controversy. Several descendants of Narasimhareddy have been demanding Rs 50 crores from Charan for producing a film on their legendary ancestor. The case is currently being pursued in the court.
Now, for the first time, Chiru has opened up about the controversy. He said that Uyyalawada Narashimareddy’s descendants are actually very innocent and suspected that they might have been misguided by some people with vested interests. Chiru termed their demand for Rs 50 crores as “unreasonable and irrational”.
“There was never an agreement between us and Narasimhareddy’s descendants. The Supreme Court had once ruled that a biopic can be made without any prior permission from the legal heirs of a person if his story dates back to over 100 years. And during Mangal Pandey’s release, the apex court had said that no legal heir would possess any rights on a legendary person’s story after 60 years of his or her existence. But we will surely do something for Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy’s birthplace if Sye Raa makes good profits,” Chiru said.