YSRCP leader MLA, Andhra Pradesh Municipal Administration, and Urban Development Minister Botsa Satyanarayana’s son’s engagement was held on Friday. Dignitaries like Undisputed King of Tollywood Megastar Chiranjeevi, MAA chief Manchu Vishnu, and others were invited. The guests attended the ceremony and blessed the couple.
People from the political arena also graced the event. Telangana Finance Minister Thaneeru Harish Rao, who also holds the Health Ministry and a few other leaders from various parties were present at the ceremony. The couple received blessings from the guests.People who attended the engagement ceremony were stunned to see Megastar Chiranjeevi on the occasion. Giving a pleasant surprise to the guests, the ‘Acharya’ actor interacted with the other guests.
After seeing Chiranjeevi at the ceremony, guests tried to take selfies with the veteran hero. Chiranjeevi obliged their requests and posed for their selfies and pictures making their day. The pictures of Chiranjeevi turning the center of the attraction went viral on social media.
On the work front, Chiranjeevi has an interesting lineup of films that are in various stages of production. He will be seen next in Acharya. Megastar Chiranjeevi is not taking any rest in shooting for his films.