Veteran Tamil director KS Ravikumar who made films with top stars like Rajinikanth, Kamal Haasan, Ajith had collaborated with megastar Chiranjeevi for a flop film Sneham Kosam. The director revealed that, Chiranjeevi promised him to work again for a film when he met the megastar last year to wish him on his birthday. “If a right script materializes, I will definitely make a film with Chiranjeevi,” said he.
Although Ravikumar is keen on making a straight Telugu film since long time, he couldn’t make since he was busy with Tamil films. Apparently, he is looking for right script to do a film with Chiru.
The senior filmmaker has directed numerous films ranging from comedy and drama to action in his 26 years of film career. Rajinikanth and Kamal are ready to associate with him at any time. Good thing about Ravikumar is he updates himself to make coming of age films amusingly than anybody of his era.
KS Ravikumar’s last movie Lingaa that starred rajinikanth was a flop. His next Mudinja Ivana Pudi, a Kannada film starring Sudeep and Nithya Menen is slated for release on August 12th. On the other hand, Chiranjeevi is shooting for his 150th film which will have its first look launch and title announcement on the actor’s birthday falling on August 22nd.