Reports are emerging that Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Prestigious 150th film will begin its regular shoot from June 21st. Chiranjeevi will participate in the first schedule where in a fight will be shot in the supervision of Ram – Lakshman Masters. The movie shooting will go non-stop till completion.
The makers are planning to release the film for Sankranthi 2017. The film is the official remake of Tamil blockbuster Kaththi which focuses on the plight of farmers. The team is currently in research mode to get figures and statistics related to agriculture from both Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
Reports are emerging that Chiranjeevi will render lengthy dialogues of the actual figures about budgets allocated to farmers, suicides, loan waivers and other such important details. Ram Charan and his mother Surekha will be producing the film under their new banner, Konidela Production Company. VV Vinayak is wielding megaphone for this project