To revive the party position in Andhra Pradesh, Congress Vice President, Rahul Gandhi had come to the truncated state and took up a Padayatra against farmers’ suicides. Congress party see this as the final oppurtunity for revival and tried their level best to bring in people for Rahul Gandhi’s Padayatra and Public meetings.
Megastar Chiranjeevi remained as the major highlight of Padayatra as he accompanied Rahul Gandhi right from the start. Chiru and Rahul was seen chatting several times. Even though Anantapur is the native district of Raghuveera Reddy, Chiranjeevi took the center stage and even garnered good attention with his speeches at place along with Rahul Gandhi.
Chiranjeevi had also worked hard for the Padayatra. He arranged Fans associations meetings in all the districts of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and got his fans to the Padayatra. Interestingly all the banners and flexies in several villages have Chiranjeevi photos prominently than Rahul Gandhi indicating the hard work of fans. Chiranjeevi seem to be serious about politics unlike the popular perception he will go away to films.