The comeback of megastar Chiranjeevi into films has been the biggest mystery to everyone. Recently, Chiru was in the hot seat of the famous game show ‘Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu’ and he said that if he really makes a comeback will the audience see him.
This was in response to a question to the 150th movie. Chiru’s reply evoked a lot of claps and screams in positive. It is something which happened in a closed room environment. But Chiru understood his real stamina recently when he entered into the venue for the recently concluded SIIMA event in Malaysia.
His arrival drew a lot of whistles, claps and applause from the audience. The interesting part is, many Tamilians who were part of the audience whistled and roared on seeing Chiru. This should have given the megastar and idea about his aura and stamina. If he continues doing films everyone will be happy. His well wishers are saying just like how the legendary ANR acted till his last, Chiru should also do the same and dedicate his life to cinema.