Megastar Chiranjeevi’s 150th has come and gone, and now the focus got to shift to next. Like Ram Charan announced already, from August his 151st film under Surender Reddy’s direction is going to be launched. And here’s a thing that is keeping the whole team on toes now.
Actually, directors like Gunasekhar and Krish opted for some historic look-laced costumes for their Rudramadevi and Gautamiputra Satakarni movies. As these stories date back to 600 years prior, anything that looked like a folklore costume suited them. But now that Chiranjeevi has taken up the story of Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy, his reins date the to mid 1800s, so the costumes are a tough task.
By 1800, Britishers have already started ruling India and then we have many other European businessmen present here in the country selling their apparel. Dressing style and costume designs have got altered big time then. They have neither historical look nor the modern wear which are wearing now. To find out how the costumes should look like in this film, Surender Reddy is said to be doing huge research.
Latest we hear is that, despite roping in a couple of happening fashion designers, a look of the 1800s haven’t got finalised for the big Telugu pride Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy.