Megastar Chiranjeevi released a lot of promotional content through his trademark #ChiruLeaks. He released behind-the-scenes footage of ‘Jam Jam Jajjanaka’ and it went viral a few weeks back. In the video, Chiranjeevi was seen angrily holding onto Keerthy Suresh’s neck. As we know, the ‘Mahanati’ actress is playing the role of Chiru’s sister in the movie.
A lot of people were curious to know why Chiranjeevi did that. Finally, Megastar gave a clarification about it in a recent interview. He said that Keerthy Suresh got her food daily from Chiru’s house. She used to ask for varieties regularly and when Keerthy asked about what Chiranjeevi is going to bring her the next day, Chiru got hold of the actress’ neck in a light-hearted way.
He said, “I have a Tamil cook in my house and he used to send the food Keerthy wanted every day. She enjoyed a lot of varieties despite taking food in small amounts. She used to demand what she wants and even pointed out if there is anything missing in the dish. When I was busy shooting one day, she came to me and asked what the menu was today. That is why I grabbed hold of her neck.”
Chiru even revealed that Tamannaah used to bring her own food and did not eat his homemade food. As we know, ‘Bholaa Shankar’ is going to release on 11th August and it is a remake of ‘Vedhalam’. Meher Ramesh directed this movie while Anil Sunkara produced it.