Actor-politician Chiranjeevi has finally found some time to focus on his family affairs. After buoyed with the stupendous success of Ram Charan’s Govindudu Andarivadele, Chiranjeevi is now setting ground to launch his nephew Sai Dharam Tej grandly. It’s common knowledge that Sai’s supposed debut film Rey, directed and produced by YVS Chowdary, has been lying in cans for a while.
Chiranjeevi is now said to be backing the project and trying his best to push the film towards release by rescuing both his nephew Sai Dharam Tej and director YVS Chowdary. According to highly reliable sources, Chiru is holding talks with Chowdary and others to bring back on the track.
Although Chiru’s close aide and brother-in-law Allu Arvind wants his film Pilla Nuvvu Leni Jeevitham to be Sai’s launch pad, it is reliably learnt that Chiru “overruled” Aravind and wanted Rey to be Sai’s launch film. Chiru apparently ignored Arvind’s interest as he’s committed to promise made to launch Sai under YVS’ Bommarillu banner. “Chiru stepped in and is supporting YVS wholeheartedly since YVS was the one who took all the pains and financial burden to launch his nephew(Sai Dharam Tej) so it could be mega hero’s first release and then other films could follow suit” says a source.
Atlast, Indra star has understood the enthusiasm of YVS and his dream to launch mega hero but lost his way, due to various reasons. It needs to be seen how Aravind takes it. This is certainly a shocker to many who believe that Chiru “strictly” follows Aravind’s suggestions. May be most of the times, but not every time. What say folks?