The moment Pawan Kalyan’s Janasena Party entered into electoral politics, there started a discussion, comparing the Powerstar and his mega brother Megastar Chiru. Who will be doing great in politics? is the single question and it has only a single answer.
The answer is nothing but JSP has to outdo Praja Rajyam Party’s numbers at any cost. Way back in 2009, Chiru led PRP has won 16 MLA seats in Andhra Pradesh despite the fact that two strong and mighty contenders like Congress (led by YSR) and TDP (led by Chandrababu) are in the ring. And the vote share is nearly 20%, which indicates that a chunk of people has walked with the Megastar.
Cut to 2019, all the exit polls have now predicted that Pawan’s Janasena will be getting below 10% vote share and might win 0-4 seats. That indicates Janasena will be getting lower marks than what PRP secured back then. So how should one see this?
While Chiranjeevi’s speeches are sloppy, Pawan Kalyan’s vibrant, energetic and fiery speeches got millions of views on YouTube, but it looks like those views haven’t turned into votes. Anyway, May 23rd will give that final clarity, before doing a comparison of Pawan and Chiru.