Former Union Tourism Minister, Congress Rajya Sabha MP and Mega Star Chiranjeevi received a stern notice from Union Government asking to vacate the Government Quarters (Bungalow No 17) allotted to him in Akbar Road of New Delhi with immediate effect. The Centre has asked Chiru to move out of the house by Tomorrow (Friday), else it said, “We will throw your luggage onto the streets and will lock the house without any further notice.”
Union Government has pasted notices on the wall of quarters allotted to Chiru when UPA-II was in regime. Although Centre has asked Chiru several times to vacate the house as he is no more Union Minister, Chiru has been dilly dallying on the issue and buying more time. In October, Government has given sharp notices but still Chiru didn’t heed to them.
In fact, he further appealed Union Government to give him more time which was turned down. Perhaps, this is the most “disrespected” notice actor-turned-politician Chiranjeevi has ever received as he’s asked to vacate immediately else his things would be thrown out. It’ high time Chiru should vacate the house as it’s been more than six months that Government has changed at Centre. Chiru, are you listening?