Legendary Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan is essaying a crucial role in Sye Raa, Megastar Chiranjeevi’s prestigious biopic on first Telugu freedom fighter Uyyalawada Narasimhareddy. Amitabh revealed his look for the movie a few months ago and those photographs went viral.
Naturally, there will be a lot of curiosity about how much Amitabh is getting paid for his small role. However, in a touching gesture, Amitabh refused to take remuneration for Sye Raa. Big B accepted this role only to oblige his good friend Chiranjeevi’s request.
We have exclusively been informed that Chiru, since Amitabh wasn’t willing to take remuneration, gifted him jewellery worth a whopping Rs 3 crore. Both Chiru and Amitabh have been good friends since the 80s and this is the first time that they both will be sharing screen space.