It’s rumoured that Chiranjeevi has telephoned Pawan Kalyan after watching the teaser of Katamarayudu. Chiru said to have immensely liked the teaser and told the same to Pawan. It’s heard that the Khaidi star appreciated Pawan and conveyed him the best wishes.
It can be noted that the teaser of Katamarayudu has smashed all the existing records of Telugu films on YouTube, including the fastest 1 million views record of Chiru’s Khaidi No.150 teaser.
While the teaser of Khaidi No.150 had recorded 1 Million views in 3 hours after it was released, the teaser of Katamarayudu achieved the same feat in just 2 hours after it’s release. It has crossed 2 Million views in just 5.5 hours with over100 K likes on YouTube. In one day, the teaser has raked in 3.8 million views (close to 4 million views) on YouTube alone.With this, the bond of Chiru-Pawan is once again proven.