Despite not working in movies, dusky beauty Neha Sharma’s sister Aisha Sharma manages to shake the internet every time she posts a picture. The stunning beauty knowns how to stay in the limelight and doesn’t mind revealing some skin to get the exposure.
After doing a hot photoshoot with her sister recently, the sultry siren came up with an irresistible pose this morning. Dressed in pale pink two-piece ‘Ala’ innerwear, Aisha posed with a toothbrush in her mouth. She wrote, “This is how I woke up …………….”
Her followers are loving this post from her and flooding the comments section with praises on Aisha. The two-piece outfit perfectly showcases her sumptuous curves and the youth are definitely going to love her naughty look. If this is how Aisha looks immediately after waking up, she is sure to take people’s breath away when she gets dolled up. Her dusky skin tone, long legs and exquisite glamour are sure to make this click viral. Take a look at this stunning picture yourself!