Shraddha Srinath, after giving an award-winning performance in U-turn (Kannada), has now managed to grab eyeballs with Nani’s Jersey. The Telugu audiences are highly impressed with this new face and she absolutely made a mark with her debut film in Tollywood.
The offers are a pretty handful for Shraddha now and she also made a debut in Bollywood with Milan Talkies. Currently, the actress is now promoting her film Jersey which has hit the screens yesterday. Her attitude and confidence are receiving huge applause from cinephiles.
Recently, the actress surprised everyone in one of her promotional events for the film Jersey. When asked her to choose between KGF fame Yash and Nani, she said “I have already worked with Nani. But I have met Yash only once and I don’t know him well as a person. So I would choose Nani over Yash”.
She also added, “But Yash is a hard-worker. He had put a lot of efforts to achieve the stardom. Before entering films, Yash also struggled as a TV actor. He proudly showed the potential of Kannada films global wide”. She was also asked to choose between Tollywood and Sandalwood film industries to which Shraddha cleverly replied “I’m a professional person and I treat all industries equally. I wouldn’t choose one industry over another and lose my fans anywhere”.