Not even a week passed by since the dreaded mafia don Chota Rajan had been brought to India and a Bollywood film is already in the making. As per the latest reports from the Bollywood grapevine, Abhishek Bachchan will be seen as Chota Rajan in an upcoming biopic based on Chota Rajan’s life.
Reports further say that the film is based on S Hussain Zaidi’s bestseller, Byculla To Bangkok. The film will portray the 80s and the 90s era when gangsters ruled Mumbai and will also explore the nexus between the underworld, politicians and the police and also glimpses of the rise of Mumbai mafia dons like Chota Rajan, Ashwin Naik and Arun Gawli.
This yet-untitled film will be full of style and dramatic dialogues and will also depict how Chota Rajan became a kingpin in the Bombay underworld. Interestingly, Abhishek choose to team up with director Sanjay Gupta, who directed Aishwarya Rai’s comeback film, Jazbaa, which was a box-office dud.