For the kind of thing he has done to starlet Kajal Agarwal on the stage, many have termed cinematographer Chota K Naidu as rude and crude. He has kissed her on the stage, for which the actress even shot back saying ‘chance pe dance’. Moving on, many felt that Chota’s game is over after this event.
Apparently, both Kajal and Chota have worked together for the nth time, this time for the upcoming release ‘Kavacham’. And many felt that the ace cinematographer’s time has come for the departure. But seriously, despite such a talk on his attitude and else, he is going to stay here for a long for sure. Here is why.
Many film crews have gone to Dubai earlier to shoot their songs, but not every cinematographer has shot it like Chota. Have a look at Kavacham video songs, Dulhara Tumhara and the one with Mehreen, where Chota’s charms are going to surprise you for sure. Going by such awesome work, which big hero will not pick him yet again for his films?
All said and done, Chota also should tune his public display of affection to match his technical brilliance.