Flag Festival from Satakarni!

gpskDirector Krish is yet again showing off his creative mark not only on subject, script selection but also in adopting new promotional strategies. According to reports we received just now, ‘Gauthami Puthra Satakarni’ celebrations are to continue unabatedly till the release date and here comes one more time Nandamuri Fans can have a strong involvement.

Yes, Flag Festival is the new concept from GPSK team to be unveiled in next few hours. An official announcement and further details are set to come out. To remember, Satakarni trailer was unveiled from Karimnagar and at a time screened in 100 screens in Telugu states which was first of its publicity campaign received to thunderous response.

With release date still in dilemma for 11th of 12th of this month, director Krish is in Mumbai concluding the final VFX and sound mixing. Let’s wait a while as we will provide you exact details.