As Allu Arjun’s Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo and Mahesh’s Sarileru Neekevvaru locked their date on January 12th, many films that are actually eyeing Sankranthi release are now busy taking a final call. As two biggies are already there, others don’t want to overcrowd the festival days and lose revenues.
Firstly we have Balayya’s Ruler movie, which is actually eyeing a Sankranthi release from time. But the latest we hear is that the movie is going to release in December itself, whether on 20th or 25th. And now, there is Sai Dharam Tej’s Prathiroju Pandage, which is coming on December 20th. And Kalyan Ram’s Entha Manchivadavu Ra might release after Sankranthi festival.
Other films like Raviteja’s Disco Raja, Nithin’s Bheeshma, who are in the fag end of completion, might set the target on late-January or a February release. Akhil’s next and Sekhar Kammula Chay film are also eyeing Valentine’s Day release treat.
The only film that needs to give clarity about the release date is “Venky Mama” as Suresh Babu missed out Dasara season and eyeing for Sankranthi now, thereby giving tense moments for the other two biggies.