Big stars like Rajni and Surya make sure that their Tamil movies get dubbed into Telugu and release on same day. Tollywood stars however lag behind, as Charan and Bunny are taking at least a month gap for the release of their dubbed Malayalam, Tamil versions. And if you could believe, a ‘classic’ flick has taken 35 years to get dubbed. Shocking, isn’t it?
Winner of four National Awards, illustrious director K Viswanath’s marvelous work till date, hailed as one of the greatest Indian films of all time, Sankarabaranam will be released in Tamil next month. After its Telugu release in 1979, it is after 35 years the film is getting dubbed into another language. Earlier the flick was released in Malayalam dubbed version in 80s. Improvising the output of the flick, including color grading, scope correction and fully created new version of same old notes for re-recording, this Tamil Sankarabaranam might look brand new.
K Viswanath won National Award for Best Film while singers Bala Subrahmanyam and Vani Jayaram have won it in Best Male and Female singer category. For scoring a brilliantly stricking melodious classical msuci for the flick, KV Mahadevan too won a National Award. The same team has won Nandi Awards in these categories, with lyricst Veturi in addition. And lead actor JV Somayajulu has walked away with Best Actor Filmfare trophy for his work in ‘Sankarabaranam’.