Sensational biopic Yatra, based on the true incidents that happened in the life of united Andhra Pradesh’s former chief minister YS Rajasekhar Reddy saw an end in its theatrical run now. The film’s worldwide theatricals were valued at 12 crores but in the final run, the movie managed to collect a distributor share of 7.25 Cr alone. In the few areas like Guntur, Nellore & Ceeded, the film did well but could not perform well in the Nizam and Uttarandhra areas. The performance of the film at Overseas is also not-so-satisfactory for the makers.
Below is the breakdown of the film’s worldwide closing shares.
Nizam: 1 Cr
Ceded: 1.65 Cr
UA: 0.50 Cr
Guntur: 1.10 Cr
East: 0.30 Cr
West: 0.42 Cr
Krishna: 0.58 Cr
Nellore: 0.40 Cr
AP/TS: 5.95 Cr
Rest of India: 0.50 Cr
Overseas: 0.80 Cr
Worldwide: 7.25 Cr
Directed by Mahi V Raghav, the film was produced by Sashi and Vijay under 70MM Entertainments banner.