After facing severe flak for dancing with the girls belonging to the tea garden workers community, Assam Chief Minster Tarun Gogoi has apologized for his irresponsible act while the entire nation was mourning the death of former President Abdul Kalam. Tarun danced with the girls at the inaugural function of an amalgamated plantation hospital and later, he also opened a golf course and tried his hand at golf.
All the local TV channels showed the footage which invited intense criticism. Quickly reacting to the allegations, “I did a mistake by dancing at a function. I should not have done it when we are mourning APJ Abdul Kalam’s unfortunate death. I apologize for this. The golf playing and sports aren’t enjoyment though,” the Chief Minister said.
The state’s BJP president Siddhartha Bhattacharya lashed out at Gogoi for zero respect towards the former President. “We lost our former President and here is a chief minister who is busy dancing and playing golf,” said the leader of opposition party.