Recently, Kerala state assembly speaker P Sreeramakrishnan gained criticism after an RTI query revealed about his claim of INR 50,000 from the state government to buy a set of spectacles.
Now, a similar disclosure is out in the form a reply to an RTI query. It reveals that Uttarakhand chief minister Trivendra Rawat (BJP), who assumed office in March 2017, had spent a whopping Rs 68.59 lakh on refreshments and snacks for the guests to his office. An RTI activist Hemant Singh has made this query with a view to learn about how much CMO had spent after Rawat assuming office.
Offering a justification to the RTI query, Chief Minister Rawat’s in-charge stated that the amount was exaggerated and added – “In the past 10 months, we spent close to Rs 50 lakh on refreshments as many big meets were organized at the Chief Minister’s residence.” Trivendra Singh’s predecessor Harish Rawat (Congress) reportedly spent over INR 1.5 crore during his tenure (from February 2014 to June 2016) as Chief Minister.