Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who is notorious for often getting trolled on social media, has given another opportunity to poke fun at him by sleeping during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Independence Day speech at Red Fort in Delhi.In fact, several politicians were caught napping during Modi’s close to 100 minute long speech but being the darling of social media, Kejriwal only got maximum attention. The picture of Kejriwal dozing off during the speech is going viral now.
The Aam Aadmi Party leaders were however quick to come to Kejriwal’s rescue. They pointed out that top BJP Union Ministers like Arun Jaitley and Manohar Parrikar were also captured sleeping during the PM’s speech but only Kejriwal is being targeted. “Why media is so biased? Only targets AAP/Kejriwal? Jaitley/Parrikar sleeping, media not showing ? Why ? Why?,” AAP leader Ashutosh tweeted.
While the picture was going viral already, deputy chief minister of Delhi, Manish Sisodia, added further embarrassment by justifying Kejriwal’s act. “It seems Prime Minister’s speech was boring,” Sisodia tweeted confirming that Kejriwal was indeed sleeping.With his latest act, Arvind Kejriwal has delivered the much needed entertainment on the eve of Independence Day.