Without any hype, the shooting for Telangana Chief Minsiter K Chandrasekhar Rao’s biopic has been launched at Annapurna studios in Hyderabad. Titled as ‘Udyama Simham’, senior film actor Nassar is playing the role of KCR.
The film is directed by Alluri Krishnam Raju and produced by Kalvakuntla Nageswara rao under the banner of Padmanayaka productions. The regular schedule for the shooting of the film will be taken off soon.
KCR’s struggle for Telangana by floating TRS in 2002 and his fight to fulfill thje aspirations of Telangana people will be shown in the film in detail. His efforts in promoting the Telangana as Golden Telangana by taking up several schemes will also be given importance in the script of the biopic.