Telangana Chief Minister KCR’s wife Shobha is hospitalized. The reason, she has been suffering from severe cold, cough and high temperature. The Chief Minister’s wife is being treated at Hyderabad’s Yashoda Hospital.
The doctors attending on her said there was nothing to worry about her health and that the fever could be due to seasonal changes. In the recent past KCR’s daughter and Nizamabad MP K Kavitha too was treated in the same hospital.
KCR visited her in the hospital this afternoon and inquired about her health. Health problems haunting KCR’S family from few dyas.Earlier there were some rumors that Ms Kavitha has been tested positive for Swine Flu but all those proved as futile.
Recently some reports emerged saying KCR was suffering from Liver ailment and planning to go to USA for further treatment.However KCR son KTR refuted them and said KCR is fit and perfect.