Comedian Prabhas Srinu will be seen in yet another hilarious role in young hero Sharwanand starrer Express Raja which is all set for release during this Sankranthi. The actor said that he got almost equal working days that of hero Sharwanand. In the same go, Prabhas Srinu also revealed few interesting facts about the movie. In fact, Prabhas Srinu has become the most successful comedian off late due to unique dialogue delivery and accent.’
Prabhas Srinu says that his role of playing uncle to hero Sharwanand in Express Raja got lengthy screen time and it’s a full length character. Sharwanand gave 46 days of call sheets for the film while Prabhas Srinu got 43 days working with hero. “For those three extra days, they shot a romantic duet and so they didn’t call me,” Prabhas Srinu said it with a smile.
His character in the film is equally important as that of hero and every comedy scene or twist in the narration is connected to Prabhas Srinu. Apparently, this is second film for Merlapaka Gandhi after Venkatadri Express. As per the report, comedy episodes written on Sharwanand and Prabhas Srinu are going to be hilarious. We must wait for all these scenes to enwrap on screen.Express Raja is all set for release on January 14th.