Ten years back, there were no cell phones and people mostly relied on PP phones. At that time, Ram Gopal Varma was apparently miffed with a leading actor and decided to cast Kallu Chidambaram as a hero in his film. So, when Ramu started hunting for Chidambaram’s number, he could not get one as the latter did not have a phone.
Later, Ramu enquired at the Vishnupriya Hotel where Chidambaram stayed while in Hyderabad, he did not get a response. That’s how Chidambaram lost out on an opportunity to become a hero. After that, Ramu gave up on the thought and got busy with the Bollywood film Daud. Well, that’s how Kallu Chidambaram lost a big break. Apparently, he now uses a mobile, but a missed opportunity is hard to come by again.