Actor Sunil toured in Adilabad district and stunned many. All of a sudden why Sunil came to this remote place is something to be noted.Well he did not go to Adilabad for a sightseeing, instead for an election campaign and that too for a TRS candidate. Sunil campaigned in Gundampalli village of Dilavarpur mandal.
His fan is contesting for the Sarpanch position of Gundampallu village and upon his request, Sunil paid a visit to the village. Though Sunil is not at all interested in politics and likes to stay away from them, he bowed down to his fan’s special request.
During his campaign, Sunil appealed to the people to cast their vote and utilise it in a proper manner. He also exuded confidence that his fan would develop the village with complete dedication if elected as Sarpanch.
Getting to know that Sunil is in the village, people gathered in large number to have a glance of this once upon a time famous comedian.