After making a lasting impression on humor lovers through the superhit comedy show Jabardasth on the small screen, rising comedian Shakalaka Shankar graduated to films within no time. Shankar is currently basking in the glory of his latest film Raju Gari Gadhi.
To celebrate this success, Shankar participated in a talk show with overseas audiences. Shankar, a fan of Powerstar Pawan Kalyan, was wished by a Pawan fan from the US saying that he will surely act along with Pawan Kalyan someday soon.
When the anchor asked Shankar about his admiration for Pawan, Shankar touched everyone as he simply said that he will earn a lot of money someday and that he will build a temple for Pawan Kalyan in his village.
Incidentally, Shakalaka Shankar made his debut in Jabardasth with a skit on Pawan Kalyan. It was Shankar’s final skit before quitting Jabardasth and again on Pawan Kalyan that got him a huge acclaim. While Pawan may not encourage a temple for him, let’s wish that he will surely give his ardent fan Shankar anĀ opportunity to act beside him.