Titled ‘Saaheba Subrahmanyam’, this flick garnered attention just for its title initially and the teasers created rest of the hype when its audio was launched way back in June. Star comedian MS Narayana’s daughter Sasikiran is debuting as director with this ‘remake’ of a Malayalam movie. And guess what, they are pitting this flick against Superstar Rajnikanth’s “Lingaa”.
As we all know that Rajni’s movie is getting released on December 12th on the eve of his birthday, currently Lingaa team is in hyderabd promoting the movie. At the same time MS Narayana’s daughter is gearing up to release her ‘Saheba Subrahmanyam’ just a day after Rajni’s commercial flick hits cinemas.
On December 13th, this film featuring new comers Dileep Kumar and Priyal Gor will be released. Going by the talk in Film Nagar, Saheba Subrahmanyam is a feel good movie with loads of emotional quotient. Such flicks are likely to lose attention with masala-biggies around. Let’s hope the risk pays off positively.