Recently, there were reports in several media houses that, yesteryear comedian Venu Madhav is no more. However, the actor clarified that his health condition is very much fine. Venu Madhav lodged a police complaint on the said media houses and websites, for faking about his death.Venu Madhav then approached Telangana ministers Nayini Narasimha Reddy and Talasani Srinivas Yadav on this matter. The actor said to meet Governor Narasimhan too.
Some observers say that, Venu Madhav is doing all this hungama as to grab media attention, so that he can bag some offers in films. The actor who is going through a difficult phase is hoping to make a comeback. Nonetheless, Telugu filmmakers have almost forgotten about him.
When his career was in peaks, Venu Madhav had committed a blunder by choosing lead actor roles, which spoiled his career. Then, there were complaints on him for coming late to shooting spots. In addition, Venu Madhav showed interest to venture into politics.