‘Govindudu Andarivadele’ is a successful family drama featuring Ram Charan and Kajal Agarwal in the leads, while Prakash Raj, Srikanth and Jayasudha essayed other key roles. Released on October 1st, this Krishna Vamsi directorial is going to complete its 50 days of successful run at box office in a couple of days. We hear that only 6 centres across AP and Telangana are playing GAV. At this moment, social circuits are busy discussing about a joke.
During the audio release of Govindudu Andarivadele, Megastar Chiranjeevi asked fans, “Do you have any objection if Pawan Kalyan attends the 150th day celebration of Govindudu Andarivadele?.” As fans have started chanting Pawan’s name, he made this statement. And now, some ardent cine lovers are asking, how come Chiru joke about Govindudu Andarivadele in such a way as the movie struggled to run up to 50 days though it amassed 40+ crores in initial weeks itself. “Maybe Chiru has to do 50 days function for the movie to invite Pawan Kalyan”, another one joked.