Amid reports, rumours that Telugu film fraternity is mulling over to shift its base to the new State of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana government is making quick moves to woo the honchos of film industry. Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao is apparently leaving no brick unturned to woo filmdom. Going by sources, Mr KCR is contemplating to set up a Cinema City, spanned over 2000 acre in and around Hyderabad. KCR has reportedly divulged his plans in a review meeting with authorities of industries department at the Secretariat on Thursday.
We hear that this move of KCR is to bring more investments in Hyderabad in entertainment sector and thus increase of employment opportunities to locales. ” Hyderabad is already the destination for several film shootings across the country. Bollywood and other language film shootings are being held in Hyderabad. Now KCR wants to further develop infrastructure in order to improve film and TV industries. As part of this, he said a new Cinema City in 2000 acres is on cards,” said sources in the know. However, the land has not been chosen yet, added sources.
Though KCR is coming up with Cinematic City, it’s not sure whether it would be handed over to Telangana filmmakers or it would be used for the purpose of Telugu film industry as whole. There are several unanswered questions on this at the moment. Ever since Telangana is carved out of Hyderabad, several Telugu filmmakers from Andhra region expressed their insecurity at several platforms and wanted to shift their base. Already producer Suresh Babu, along with venture capitalist Srini Raju, is setting ground to set up a massive studio in Tada of Nellore. Suresh Babu even owns a Studio in Vizag. Many others are supppose to join the suit.