Common Man’s Daily Life Is Equally Important

Speaking at the 3-day conclave of the BJYM at Parade Grounds, BJP Chief Amit Shah asserted that the BJP would form the government again in 2019 with more than 50 percent of the vote.“One surgical strike by India has asserted her place in the world as a nation of self-assertion and that is the difference between Mouni Baba Manmohan Sarkar and the Narendra Modi government,” said Amit Shah.

He further added that the fight was between Narendra Modi and an unknown player at the opposite end as the Grand Alliance had not identified a leader as yet.What Amit Shah says is correct and the Opposition is yet to come to a comprehensive alliance with a Prime Ministerial candidate in place.And there’s nothing wrong in contemporary politics for netas to be taking credit for the surgical strikes. But, having said that, are the surgical strikes enough for the people of the nation?

Of course, other nations including Pakistan will not take India for granted but on the domestic front, what significant change has there been in the lives of the common man? In fact, lie is becoming tougher especially with the skyrocketing prices of fuel daily.

Therefore, while external affairs are indeed important, equally important is the standard of living of the common people. There has been no remarkable change here.In 2019 though, the Modi government is likely to get the benefit of doubt for the above mentioned reason that there is lack of a united Opposition led by a leader of consensus.In Telangana, the situation is pretty much the same. If the TRS wins again, it is more because of the failure of the Opposition than any remarkable achievements by the government.

Except for replacing the word ‘Andhra Pradesh’ with Telangana on the nameplates of government offices and erecting one signboard saying Bathukamma Ghat on Tank Bund, there is nothing positive that has accrued to the people of Telangana.The efficiency of the TRS government can well be gauged by the fact that swine flu deaths continue to occur at an alarming rate and when it rains in Hyderabad, they just don’t know how to deal with it.

At all public meetings, the TRS leaders led by KCR and KTR are mouthing the same dialogues they parroted in 2014: anti-Andhra sentiment rather than any significant upheaval in the lives of the common people because of decisions they took.Despite being the Party that gave Telangana, Congress has been unable to find a strong person who can give the perfect repartee to KCR.

And that is likely to help the Pink gang once again.