It all started with MP Undavalli Arun Kumar who compared T representatives who are instigating telangana people with that of Razakar’s leader Kasim Razvi. The very next day Kareemnagar MP Ponnam Prabhakar compared Undavalli with Peddapuram Prostitute. It is a different matter that entire Peddapuram is baying for Ponnam blood.
Cong MLC Yadav Reddy compared Undavalli not only to OOsaravelli but also machine that spits poison. KCR’s daughter Kavitha went two steps ahead and said Undavalli is more dangerous than terrorist Afzal Guru. She did not even leave Lagadapati Rajagopal comparing the MP to dreaded thief.
TDP leader Somireddy chandramohan Reddy joined the war and branded Cong seemandhra leaders with that of effigies for selling the regions interest to Cong High Command. T MPs equated their Seemandhra Counterparts with Delhi gand rapists. Lagadapati was compared to ‘Kallutagina Koti-Toka Tegina Eddu’ while even Union Health Minister and AP incharge Gulam Nabi Azad was equated to Pak Terrorist.