A complaint has been lodged against ABN Andhra Jyothi chief Vemuri Radha Krishna with the Press Council of India on Friday over the ‘fund-raising issue’ of conjoined twins Veena and Vani.The complaint was lodged by Telangana Advocates JAC, which complained that Radhakrishna collected funds by telecasting programmes on ABN Andhra Jyothi channel highlighting the plight of Veena and Vani and sought donations from viewers to help the conjoined twins and their parents.
They complained that Radhakrishna collected lakhs of rupees as donations through the programme and cheated Veena and Vani and their parents by not extending the financial assistance to them and instead used the amount for his own needs. Earlier this week, Secunderabad magistrate ordered Saroornagar Police to file a case on Radhakrishna and ABN under sections IPC 406, 420, 403 and 120B, based on a petition filed by Sunkari Janardhan Goud.
The petitioner alleged that neither the channel nor RK had concern to use the funds for the purpose they were collected. Telangana Advocates JAC requested the chairman of Press Council of India to inquire into this issue and initiate stringent action against ABN channel and its chief Radhakrishna for cheating viewers and affected family of Veena and Vani.