It has earlier come out that ‘Kanche’ beauty Pragya Jaiswal is being roped in as a heroine for Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming movie, but then the sources close to movie unit condemned it as a rumour. But director Krish is said to be insisting on taking her, and here’s the latest update doing rounds about it.
Though Pragya has done a couple of Telugu movies in 2014, she got the much-needed breakthrough with Krish’s Kanche in 2015. Later the actress featured in half dozen movies in Telugu, but unfortunately, she didn’t score another hit. Upset with the way her career is going, the law graduate from Madhya Pradesh stopped accepting movies until Krish gave her a promise to help her out.
Due to that, now Krish is said to be roping in Pragya Jaiswal for Pawan Kalyan’s movie, but she will not be playing any lead role. Either it will be like a single item song with Pawan and couple of scenes or a full length character role she will be getting from this project.
That being a period film set in Nizam era, surely there will be many characters that will have proper author backed strength, and Pragya is trying to capitalise on her acting prowess than glamour now.